Wednesday 20 June 2012

Papilio canadensis eggs and 1st instar

Eggs and Hatchlings!

One of the female butterflies that I had sleeved over a branch of Trembling Aspen laid 2 eggs on June 14 2012. Females are very picky when it comes to the leaves they choose for egg laying, and Papilio canadensis butterflies typically lay just one egg on a given leaf. This strategy is common among butterflies, especially ones whose caterpillars are palatable prey items.

Here are some photos of the progression from just-laid to hatching:

Papilio canadensis egg on day of laying - June 14 2012
Papilio canadensis egg 3 days old - June 17 2012
Papilio canadensis egg on day of hatching - June 20 2012
1st instar Papilio canadensis caterpillar hours after hatching - June 20 2012.
Note that the egg shell has already been eaten.
1st instar Papilio canadensis caterpillar hours after hatching - June 20 2012.
If disturbed the caterpillar will weakly thrash, but is mostly inactive.  

Last year I reared these caterpillars too, so check out earlier posts to find more photos and information about these little guys!

Earlier posts:

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