Saturday 9 July 2011

4 new eggs

The huge female laid another 4 eggs today, but unfortunately she also died. I was really hoping that she would lay more eggs. Including the egg she laid yesterday she layed 5 eggs. Warm temperatures are necessary to induce female Tiger Swallowtail butterflies to lay eggs so I use a heat lamp over the host plant that I sleeve females with. She ate well this morning, so I think the female probably got tangled in the branches or support structure I have for the mesh sleeve and died of heat stress. I will have to fix this issue so I can prevent future mortalities. Suggestions are welcome (please comment below).

Current Inventory:
  • 7 large caterpillars (3 5th instar & 4 <5th instar)
  • 7 small caterpillars (between 2-4th instar)
  • 5 new eggs

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